CRAFT Better Entrepreneurship Policy Group

CRAFT Better Entrepreneurship Policy Group

Enabling social entrepreneurship policy is crucial for fostering sustainable development and addressing societal challenges. By implementing policies that encourage and facilitate the growth of social enterprises, governments can drive innovation that not only generates economic value but also prioritizes social impact.

The Better Entrepreneurship Policy Tool is an online tool offered by the European Commission and the OECD, designed for policy-makers and other interested parties at local, regional and national level who wish to explore how public policy can support inclusive and social entrepreneurship. 

be part of shaping future eu policy!

We have created the CRAFT Better Entrepreneurship Policy Group to carry out a group assessment of social entrepreneurship across Europe. You can become a member of this group. As a group member, you will have access to a self-assessment covering 7 action areas, namely Culture, Institutions, Regulations, Finance, Markets, Skills, and Impact.

By participating, you will be able to assess the social entrepreneurship ecosystem in your city, region or country against a collection of good practices. The Tool is designed to provoke thought, and there is no wrong answer!

As a result, you get a radar chart highlighting your strengths and areas for improvement to consider.

The results of the CRAFT Better Entrepreneurship Policy Group will be aggregated in order to inform policy recommendations to EU institutions for improving support to social entrepreneurship and social innovation.

It’s easy – this is what you need to know

– You can carry out the assessment in your own language 

– The full assessment takes from 15 minutes to 1 hour to complete

– You can complete the assessment in various stages, in the order you like

– You do not need to be an expert in all the fields, just share your perspective!

why should you join?

By taking part of CRAFT Group assessment:

– You reflect and learn about your social entrepreneurship policy ecosystem

– You can share and compare your results with others

– You identify areas for improvement

– You participate in a European-wide assessment of social entrepreneurship policy, that can be split into countries/regions for finer analysis

– You benefit from a European network of social entrepreneurship stakeholders

– You are in the spotlight at CRAFT Policy Summit where Group results will be presented, notably in the presence of the European Commission and the OECD

– You participate in shaping future EU policy!